About Bloesem
Kia ora Koutou
Bloesem comes with a vision of an aesthetically enriching environment for children to grow through an authentic learning experience. Here at Bloesem children and whanau will be a part of a nurturing, caring, joyful, tranquil environment and we are excited to share this learning journey with your Tamariki.
Alisha Merriman — Managing Director
Alisha grew up in a small town called Putaruru where she began her teaching career in 2010. Alisha is a fully qualified Early Childhood teacher and has been teaching for over 14 years with a wide range of experience in all age groups and most recently coming from a Kindergarten background.
She lives in Mount Maunganui with her husband-Frank, and their nearly 2 year old son Madden, and beloved dog Charli. Alisha and her family love to explore the beautiful nature and are often found at the beach. Alisha loves looking after her health and wellbeing by keeping active after her sporting background, competing up to Magic development level (netball) in recent years.
Alisha is looking forward to this exciting new opportunity as managing director of Bloesem. She has always had a vision that there would be somewhere for children that would instil in them a love of learning through inspiring experiences (something new each day)
with inspiring philosophies to lead the way.